20$ Steam Wallet Code-[USD]


Item: Steam Wallet Code 20$ [USD]
Delivery Method: Via Email
Delivery Time: 5-30 Min
Developer: Valve Corporation
Region: US



How to Redeem Steam Wallet Code?

Follow the steps below to redeem Steam Wallet Code:

  1. Login to your Steam account.

  2. Go to Redeem a Steam Wallet Code page.

  3. Click “Redeem a Steam Gift Card or Wallet Code”

  4. Enter the Steam Wallet Code copied from your mail sent by DANP

  5. The funds will be added to your account and be ready for use to buy games on STEAM!

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Steam Wallet Code is STEAM’s prepaid card used to deposit and reload the stated value into your Steam Account balance, which you can use to buy your favourite games.


ALERT: Steam users are only allowed to redeem the Steam Wallet Code according to original Steam Wallet’s currency settings. For Nepal You need to set your currency in USD.


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